Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Peer Review Brochure

I chose to do my peer reviews on Jasmine and Jennifer. First off lets talk about Jasmine's brochure which she did on Shawn's company "Brly Legal". I think Jasmine's brochure was very well. The contrast between the two colors made the text easier to read. Another thing that was good, was the pictures that she had because as she said pictures on the front of brochures attract people more than they do without pictures. One thing I feel that she could have done better was the text. Most of it was sort of slang which some not MOST but some people don't really like to read which made parts of the brochure unprofessional. Other than that, for the most part the whole brochure was pretty good.

Now on to Jennifer's brochure. I think that Jennifer had a great brochure on Sophie's Restaurant. She had a lot of info such as prices, menus, etc. This is good because when people see brochures about food chains, they want to see what they are getting and how much it will be before they actually go and get what they want. Also she had pictures of the meals which is also good because it shows you how you can expect the meal once you order it. To be completely honest, I do not really recall anything that was really bad that she could have improved on.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Photoshop-InDesign Lab Reflection

In labs 6, 7, 10, 13, and 14 I have learned several new skills in Photoshop and InDesign. In lab 6, I retouched on previous skills which I learned last semester such as color adjustments. Here are some examples of my work for lab 6.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Peer Review

 The portfolio I chose to look at was the portfolio made by Steven Gallego. Although he does not have most of the work, his portfolio is still good. It is organized, and the colors fit well. I like the welcome page because it already shows that his portfolio is about business. Also, he has the contact information just in case the person that is viewing his portfolio wants to get in contact with him. I think this was a smart idea.
 Now in overall appearance, I don't think that the portfolio was boring, but it could have been a little more appealing to the eye. But I think that due to the fact that he came later into the semester really took away from what he could have done.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Content Aware Scaling - Christian Kinch

I had just watched a video on a tool called "Content Aware Scaling." In this video it showed me how to stretch out photos in Adobe Photoshop CS5 without making them seem so bunched up. With the Content Aware Scaling tool, I can stretch out photos without making the picture seem bunched up together and/or seem as if the image is being stretched too much. This helps me a lot considering the fact that I'm going to be working on a project that has to deal with the creation of a brochure. With the use of this tool, I will be able to reduce the size of large pictures without losing the quality in which I took them. So that when I place the images onto my brochure, they look as if they were not stretched and/or reduced at all.