Monday, April 4, 2011

Lab P7_1 Christian Kinch P8

·      Nameplate –  The banner that is on the front of a newsletter which indicates who made the newsletter.
·      Content (and number of articles and entries) – The information in the newsletter that is being read by the audience.
·      Table of contents – A section on the newsletter which lists parts of the newsletter on the particular page where they begin.
·      Masthead – A section of the newsletter that is usually on the second page which names the publisher and other important things. It also may include the address, logo, etc.
·      Titles and headers – The name of the article being read
·      Page numbers – The numbers used to indicate which page the reader is on. (Can be on the top, bottom, or sides).
·      Bylines – A sentence or two that states the name, probably the position of the writer of the article.
·      Continuation lines – A phrase that lets readers know that the article  will continue on another page.
·      Pull quotes – A small section of the newsletter that is quite large and in quotes to capture the attention of the reader.
·      End signs – A sign used to show the end of the article.
·      Photos/illustrations –
·      Mailing labels –

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